One final post…

Hi everyone!

I haven’t been here in a long time as I was almost afraid to look at what I’d written – I didn’t want to jinx myself by revisiting this most painful period of my life. Now I feel ready to say goodbye to this blog, and here is the very best reason why:

Caroline Six Week Highlights (35)

I don’t want to go into details or rub it in to those for whom the pain of miscarriage is still raw, and for whom hope seems too far away. But rest assured that it is just around the corner, and that there is always the hope of a miracle like my little miracle. Thank you for reading and for making me feel less alone.

With love, luck, and all my best wishes, Rachel x



5 thoughts on “One final post…

  1. Thank you so much for making this blog. I had a D&C 2 weeks ago for a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks. I found your blog and read all your entries. It has really helped me to know that my reaction to the miscarriage was normal, even when I felt very irrational about my thoughts and feelings.

  2. I read through some of your postings and could completely relate to what you’ve been through. We recently lost our baby at 13 weeks and I have a colleague who is pregnant and set to deliver soon (I read the part where you endured the baby gift to your colleague and I felt that pain). I am so happy for you that you were able to get your miracle- your baby is adorable. I would love to still have hope for myself but I’m much older than 29 so it may not happen. But, I wanted to wish you the best and thank you for writing your feelings. I have felt so defeated tonight, not pregnant yet again. But, knowing that someone went through this experience and found joy is helpful and it makes me so happy for you that you are not still experiencing the frustration and sadness month after month!! Congratulations on your baby (who must be about 9 months old now!)

  3. Thank you both for your comments. My gorgeous girl is the greatest blessing and happiness of my life and all my hope is with you for your own happy endings. X

    • Sorry for the long gap in replying Julia. I didn’t spot your comment. It took me four months but I want lucky enough (lucky? it didn’t seem so at the time) not to need a D&C.

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